Monday, October 30, 2006

My beloved pets budgie and lucky

I'm going to tell you about my pets.

I had a Budgie named, well, budgie. I'm saying I HAD because he flew away on the 3rd of September last month. It was devastating and hard but this was what happened. I had just finished cleaning my 2 pets's cage but they both didn't have their food. Before, my neighbour friend had a parrot . One of the parrots died and the other was really sad so one day my friend let the parrot fly away. when it was the parrot's cage, the cage had a little hole for the food. They'd used the same cage when they had the rabbit so the rabbit always escaped using that hole. so my friend put a bit of cloth on it and selotaped it on.

When I had the rabbit he nibbled the cloth until it was gone. So he escaped again but we always caught him lukily. later on the budgie was put in the same cage as the rabbit so we on't have to clean 2 cages. That day after I'd finished cleaning they're cage, both of them were hungry so we went out to buy they're food and go to city hall. when we got back the budgie was gone he flew out of the little hole beacause the metal bit was up. Aqwa was devastated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute pet

Thursday, 27 March, 2008  

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