Saturday, May 06, 2006

My Days......

Summer is coming up well...I think so or maybe it is summer anyway about a few weeks ago My dad bought me this 64 pack crayons and this notebook that has poka dots on it that I use as a another Diary I really love those things. I'm actually typing this blog cos I'm bored. I can't always type in this blog everyday because this computer I'm using now to type this blog is in my mum's office. I don't have a computer in my house well I do but it's too slow, it doesn't work propely and it doesn't have internet. I can type it here in my mum's office because sometimes she takes me with her but sometimes she goes to work but I can't go with her because her roomte is there and I can't use the computer cos it's all full so I write my blog on a peice of paper , give it to my mum and she brings it to work with her and that's where she types it.


Blogger mynn said...

what you can do mira is type your blog offline at home then save it to a disk or USB drive and then ask your mum to post up the blog for you next time she's in her office :)

long holidays can be abit boring isnt it? you & your brothers planning anything?

Thursday, 11 May, 2006  
Blogger Mira said...

nothing really but I'm looking forward to going somewhere soon.Its a good idea you thought up there I never thought of that thanks!.

Saturday, 20 May, 2006  

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